4 year old boy with poor expressive language, limited task focus and delayed gross and fine motor skills

Therapist: Jill van Heerden

4 year old boy with poor expressive language, limited task focus and delayed gross and fine motor skills

Difficulty attending to non-preferred motor tasks.

4 year old boy with a supportive network. History of seizures and delayed motor milestones.

Insufficient postural control delayed gross and fine motor skills. Insufficient vestibular and proprioceptive processing impacting on his body awareness and motor planning. Poor sensory modulation impacting task focus and attention.

Sensory integration, sensory diet, postural exercises. Weekly home exercises to support carry over of therapy tasks to home. Developmental therapy to support motor skills. Engaged in speech pathology. Supportive class environment with carryover of strategies to learning environment.

Improved body awareness which supported motor planning and balance. Joined local kids soccer group and learnt to ride his bicycle. 8 months of intensive therapy that reduced frequency with increased home programs. Developed pencil control to support writing development and now enjoys being an active participant at school.