Information for Parents

Signs That Your Child Needs Support

[1] Your child has a diagnosed condition such as Sensory Integration disorder/ Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism/ Asperger’s Syndrome, Dyslexia and Learning Difficulties, Attention Deficit Disorder, Developmental Delays. Prematurity or Birth Trauma, Motor Delays or any other Develomental Issue or Condition.

[2] Your child shows a number of the following issues and is not achieving their expected milestones.Does your child?

  • Show a lack of interest in learning activities including puzzles, letters and numbers
  • Show a lack in movement or fine motor skills
  • Have difficulty keeping still
  • Seem unable to keep hands to self (always touching people or things)
  • Tire and gets floppy
  • Flit between activities/ lack persistence
  • Seem clumsy or awkward
  • Seem over-sensitive to noise, touch or movement
  • Have difficulty with balance or coordination
  • Seem excessively fearful and cautious
  • Show obsessiveness and narrow interests
  • Have a limited range of play skills
  • Struggle with memory or paying attention
  • Seem overly messy and disorganised
  • Avoid or struggle with drawing or writing tasks
  • Have varied performance — some days good and others poor
  • Handwriting issues – forming the letters
  • Writing issues related to having ideas, planning, categorizing and sequencing ideas so that it makes sense
  • Seem anxious or have low self-confidence?
  • Seem aggressive for no apparent reason?
  • Have difficulty with feeding or toileting?
  • Have difficulty with sleep?
  • Not seem to be achieving to his/her potential?
  • Have suspected food intolerances / allergies or digestive issues?
  • Have special needs or a disability?
  • Are you as parents struggling to cope with behaviour
  • Do you or your partner have any of these issues.

We DO NOT recommend “waiting to see if the child will grow out of it” as they often don’t.

Ideas for parents

This section provides home ideas to address some common childhood challenges. Try these out at home, but if the child does not make improvements within a few weeks, is resistant to the activities or gets unsettled, individual therapy advice may be needed.  Click below for information or ideas to help with:

Enhancing Sensory Processing Skills

Fine Motor Readiness Signs

Fine Motor Program

Posture Control Program

Working Memory Strategies for home & school