Therapist: Jill van Heerden

3-year-old girl, not toilet trained, limited gross and fine motor skills and limited communication
Young girl who found toileting stressful despite numerous attempts by the family to toilet train, she recognized the need to toilet but would not take herself to the toilet. Limited self-help skills and rigidity in day-to-day tasks.
Eager to please young child, highly supportive family, but family struggled to get their daughter to try new activities or new routines.
Little girl had global developmental delay and social rigidity. Sensory processing challenges, especially with regards to her tactile system and movement.
Weekly developmental therapy to support motor skills. Created visual supports and routines around toileting. Approached sensory sensitivities through exposure and desensitization. She engaged with speech pathology and physiotherapy.
Successfully toilet trained day and night within 12 weeks. Continues to master motor milestones through regular ongoing therapy and home exercises.
Photo credit: Romrodinka @ Getty Images via Canva