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10 year old boy in constant trouble at school and home and with illegible writing

Therapist: Vivienne Williams

10 year old boy in constant trouble at school and home and with illegible writing

This boy kept getting out of his seat and wandering around the classroom. He often failed to finish his work and his writing was largely illegible.

10 year old boy with attention, focus and attitude challenges. He was later diagnosed with ADHD (OT suggested a paediatrician review).

This boy had vestibular processing (movement processing) challenges meaning that he needed more movement than his environment could provide. He had a weak core (tummy and back muscles). His family and school were constantly reprimanding him for his behaviour which contributed to his negative attitude. With writing, he failed to use any punctuation which made his writing hard to read.

A range of core muscle exercises were completed at home each week with the whole family and some specific vestibular exercises. Sensory tools were chosen for the classroom with the most effective as a vibration cushion. He was taught the basics of punctuation and shown how he could get started with writing. Work with motivation was explored.

This boy was seen approximately 1x/ fortnight for 3 months and then phased to monthly and then 6 monthly monitoring.

He was motivated, happy and not getting in trouble at school and home. His writing was more legible with punctuation. He was using sensory tools in the classroom to support attention. He was able to articulate his concerns and solutions.


Photo credit: @pixelshot via Canva