07 3392 6133

9 year old girl with concentration difficulties and fine motor skills

Therapist: Medha Khadye

9 year old girl with concentration difficulties and fine motor skills

Difficulty getting ready for school – being at least 45 minutes late to school every day. Frequent meltdowns over hair being not perfectly done. Anxious nature and unable to speak in front of the class or ask for help.

Nine year old girl living with parents and younger sibling. Both parents working, occasionally cared for by maternal grandmother.

Difficulty with planning and organisation skills. Low self-esteem and lack of confidence

Initially attended weekly sessions for 4 months. Then fortnightly sessions for 2 months. Provided strategies for understanding emotions in self and others, self-regulation, modifying negative (red) thoughts into helpful (green) thoughts using “Fun Friends” training. Sensory diet. Turn taking and interactive games to develop organisational skills. Sensory motor activities to develop core strength and upright posture. Self-reflection encouraged to increase ability to cope with challenging situations.

By discharge, the child always reached school on time and started participating in dance and drama. She was elected for the student executive where she had to organise multiple activities with other children at school. She could also wear her hair in multiple ways without stress.