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Therapeutic Listening®

What is Therapeutic Listening®?

Developed by Vital Links, Therapeutic Listening is research based tool for treating people of all ages who have difficulty processing sensory information, listening, attention, and communication.

Parents, teachers, and therapists have seen significant results by using Therapeutic Listening including:

• Increased focus and attention
• Better moods
• Balanced energy levels
• Greater tolerance to noise
• Improved sleep
• Better handwriting
• Fewer tantrums
• Less anxiety

Used by thousands of therapists around the world, Therapeutic Listening is a highly individualised, music-based tool that activates listening to help people tune-in to and respond to their world.

High quality music, recorded specifically for Therapeutic Listening, is altered to exaggerate the sounds that naturally capture attention and tap into the parts of the brain involved in regulating bodily functions, relating to others, and organising behavior.

For more information visit the Vital Links website: https://vitallinks.com/therapeutic-listening/

How do I access Therapeutic Listening®?

Therapeutic Listening is an approach that forms part of an overall occupational therapy intervention. For that reason, it is important to complete a thorough occupational therapy assessment to determine how appropriate it could be for individual children, and also when to implement it in the therapy process.

Therapeutic Listening can be implemented only by specially trained therapists and is not available from all our therapists

If you are thinking that your child may benefit from therapeutic listening, please complete the new client enquiry form. If your child is currently seeing one of our OTs please discuss this with your OT for specific advice for your child.

Please note – if the program is suitable for your child, they will need to participate in two listening sessions a day (30 minutes each) in order for the program to be effective.

Therapists trained in Therapeutic Listening®

Vivienne Williams

Michelle Cloete

Jasmine Weiss